Though everyone understands that fundraising is essential to keeping a non-profit organization alive, not everyone is clear on the role that board members need to take on during the fundraising process.

Here is an overview of the unexpected role that board members need to take during any fundraising efforts for a non-profit organization.

Since a board is responsible for setting the strategic direction and yearly goals of any non-profit organization, it makes sense that they would also be responsible for the financial backing and support of those strategic goals. Rather than shelling out all the cash from their own pockets, the board needs to create a fundraising plan, demonstrate leadership by example to the members of their organization, and provide connections to potential donors.

By working with the staff, as well as their volunteer members, the board should be providing influence, support and encouragement through their own activities. The day-to-day fundraising can be managed by the staff, but the vision and the support from the board members is essential.

Every board member should be active in fundraising activities, not just the ones on the financial committee. For help to get all board members on the same page with their role in fundraising, contact Sage & Rosemary Consulting today.